KBC - KBC Advanced Technologies
KBC stands for KBC Advanced Technologies
Here you will find, what does KBC stand for in London Stock Exchange under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate KBC Advanced Technologies? KBC Advanced Technologies can be abbreviated as KBC What does KBC stand for? KBC stands for KBC Advanced Technologies. What does KBC Advanced Technologies mean?KBC Advanced Technologies is an expansion of KBC
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Alternative definitions of KBC
- Birch Creek, Alaska USA
- Kentucky Baptist Creativity
- Knowledge Based Culture
- Korean Ballistics Corporation
- Killing Brain Cell
- Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
- Khandakapala Buddhist Center
View 72 other definitions of KBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- KAPLS KAP Litigation Services
- KAPM Katz Architecture and Project Management
- KAPMGL KAP Motor Group Ltd
- KAPN Korean American Professional Network
- KAPNI Kesatuan Aksi Pengusaha Nasional
- KAPOLDA Kepala Kepolisian Daerah
- KAPOMI Knowledge and Policy Management Initiative
- KAPP Key Assets Protection Program
- KAPPI Kesatuan Aksi Pelajar Pelajar Indonesia
- KAPPL Kerns Aero Products Pvt. Ltd.
- KAPS Kipp Austin Public Schools
- KAPSE kernel Ada programming support environment
- KAPSL KAP Strategies LLC
- KAPT Kiddo Active Pediatric Therapy
- KAPTL KAP Technology LLP
- KAQ Karen Ann Quinlan
- KAQ-1 Kawasaki remotely piloted vehicle
- KAQH Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice